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Distribution and conservation of kasani - Cichorium intybus Linn.

kasani :

kasani : Cichorium intybus Linn.

Geographical distribution:

In India plant is found in the northwestern regions like Kashmir and Punjab and in area of south India. In western countries is now a days cultivated with the name endive. It is cultivated in completely black outed area to make leaf soft and pale in appearance. This plant has it origin in Europe and now has spread all over world.


-Cichorium species originated in Mediterranean Europe, but has been popularized in Africa, North America, and Australia. Though it is called a weed in North America, it is named an endive (small, bitter-leafed vegetable) in Europe. It is found near roadways most often. Cichorium can tolerate most soils, but grows exceptionally well in soils rich with lime. Cichorium intybus is able to grow in fertile soil or sandy loam, but grows optimally in a moist meadow soil with bountiful amounts of lime. Cichorium requires a lot of sunlight and must be kept in a sunny window or garden

Plant conservation:

Shelf life of Kasani powder is approximately 6 months. Store it in a airtight container at room temperature.

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