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Researches and clinical trials on jivaka - Malaxis acuminata D.Do..

jivaka :

jivaka  : Malaxis acuminata D.Don, Microstylis wallichii Lindl.

Clinical trials:

Arenmongla, T and CR Deb (2012) Germination of immature embryos and
multiplication of Malaxis acuminata D. Don.: an endangered therapeutically
important orchid, by asymbiotic culture in vitro. Indian J. Biotech., 11: 464-46

Garg, P, P Aggarwal, P Sharma and S Sharma (2012) Antioxidant activity of the
butanol extract of Malaxis acuminata (Jeevak). Journal of Pharmacy Research,
5(5): 2888-2889


Deb, CR and T Arenmongla (2013) In vitro regeneration potential of foliar
explants of Malaxis acuminata D. Don.: A therapeutically important terrestrial
orchid. Applied Biological Research, 

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