plaksha :
प्लक्ष: कषाय: शिशिरो व्रणयोनिगदापह:│
दाहपित्तकफास्त्रघनं शोथहा रक्त्तपित्तह्रत││
रक्त्तदोषहरो मुर्च्छाप्रलाभ्रमनाशनन:│
Taxonomical Classification
Kingdom: Plantae - Plants
Order: Unisexuales
Family: MoraceaeUrticaceae
Sanskrit: Ashwatta patraka, Charudarshana, Mahabala, Drudhapraroha, Mangalacchaya, Hrasaparna, Parkati, Jati,Pippari,Pimpari,Shrungika,Vaati,Garbhanda,Kamandalu,Plava,Gandhamunda,Mugdhika,Pugamunda,Charudaru,Suparshva,Kapeetana,Kapeetaka, Varoha ShakhiEnglish: wave leafed fig tree, Java fig
Hindi: Pakar, Pakadi
Telugu: Juvvi
Marathi: Basari
Gujarathi: Pepari
Tamil: Jovvi
Malayalam: Chela
Kannada: Basarimara
Mentions / Gana
Amradi varga (Raja NIghantu)Mutrasangrahaniya Varga (Charaka Samhitha)
Nyagrodhadi Gana (Sushruta Samhitha)
Nygrodadhi varga (Ashtanga samgraha)
Oushadhi varga (Kaiydeva Nighantu)
Vatadi Varga (Bhav prakasha)
Ashwatta patraka-leaves resembles to those of bodhi tree
Charudarshana-Tree is gigantic and beutiful to see
Mahabala,Drudhapraroha-strong roots and stem
Hrasaparna-short leaves
Synonyms in Ayurveda: plaksha, jati, parkati, pakativriksha, pakarParts used for medicinal purpose
Bark, ,Dosage:
Tvakquatha – 40 to 80 ml.Morphology:
Habit – A tree grows upto 30 ft. in height. Leaves- 7 to 15 cm long, broadly ovate, cordate, acuminate, entire, smooth, finely reticulately veined. 5 to 7 prominent nerves are seen. Petiole is 5 to 10 cm long. Flowers- Yellow with purple base, 5 to 7.5 cm in diameter and attractive. Fruits – Capsule, globose, 2.5 cm in diameter. Surrounded at the base by the persistent calyx. Seed is 1 cm long, ovoid, channeled along the back.Therapeutic Uses:
प्लक्ष: कषाय: शिशिरो व्रणयोनिगदापह:│
दाहपित्तकफास्त्रघनं शोथहा रक्त्तपित्तह्रत││
रक्त्तदोषहरो मुर्च्छाप्रलाभ्रमनाशनन:│भा प्र
पिप्परीस्तुवर :शीतो व्रणयोनीविसर्पनुत् l
दाहपित्तकफास्रघ्नो मेद: पित्तास्रशोफजित् l l कै नि
प्लक्ष : कटूकषायश्च शितालो रक्तपित्तजित् l
मूर्च्छा श्रमप्रलापाश्च हरेत्प्लक्षो विशेषतः l l ध .नि
External Application –
External application of Twak churna of Plaksha is advisiable in Shoth,Visarpa ,Raktastrava and Vrana.
Decoction of Bark of Plaksha is advisible in case of mouth ulcers.
Benefits : Being stambhana in niramaavastha of atisara, pravahika, n niramaraktapitta It is raktashodhana in nature hence used in raktadushti.
Pradar Roga- As it is stambhaka in nature hence it is used , in rakta and shvetapradara.uttarbasti of bark decoction of Plaksha or Yonivarti of Plaksha bark is used for the treatment of Rakta and Shweta Pradar.
Prameha- Useful in prameha being mootrasangrahaneeya and being sheeta in daha.
The dried bark powder of plaksha is used to sprinkle on wounds for better healing and stopage of bleeding
Decoction prepared from bark of plaksha is used for gargaling in case of mouth ulcer and gingivitis.
cold infusion prepared from bark of plaksha is used to treat nausea,vertigo and epileptic seizers.
Bark decoction of Plakshais used to treat diarrhea.
Bark paste of plaksha is applied over the area ffected with herpes and wounds.
In unani medicine plaksha murabba is used to treat splenomegaly .
A study was carried out to evaluate antiarthritic potential and phytochemical screening of various extracts of Ficuslacor aerial roots. The antiarthritic activity was evaluated by adjuvant-induced arthritis at the dose of 50 and 100 mg/kg. body weight and the standard drug used was indomethacin. The extracts administered in higher doses reduced the lesions to a greater extent showing a dose-dependent decrease in lesions comparable with standard drug indomethacin.Ayurvedic Formulations:
Common Ayurvedic Formulations of plaksha with their IndicationsNygrodhadi kashayam
Karutha vattu
- » Classification and names of plaksha
- » Synonyms and definitions of plaksha
- » Drug Properties of plaksha
- » Chemical Constituents of plaksha
- » Standardization of plaksha
- » Parts used and Dosage of plaksha
- » Morphology and Histology of plaksha
- » Distribution and Conservation of plaksha
- » Cultivation of plaksha
- » plaksha in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of plaksha
- » Researches and clinical trails of plaksha
- » plaksha in other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with plaksha
- » Images of plaksha