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Uses of nimbuka - Citrus acida, Citrus bergamia

nimbuka :

nimbuka  : Citrus acida, Citrus bergamia

General Use:

  • The oil obtained from the fruit skin of this herb is applied in fevers like measles, smallpox and chickenpox, and it provides smoothening effects to the skin, after falling out of the scabs .
  • In case of non-oozing skin affections, the fruit juice is applied to get relieve from itching.
  • The irritation of skin due to mosquito bite is instantly relieved with the application of fruit juice.
  • It recovers the sensation of taste, increases an appetite and dry features.
  • It helps in secretion of digestive enzymes improving digestion.
  • The topical application of fruit juice is said to be effective in dandruff.
  • It is also a good appetiser, digestive, mild laxative and cholagogue, therefore, used in various digestive ailments like anorexia, dyspepsia, vomiting, constipation, hepatic disease etc.
  • Nimbuka imparts blood purifying action, hence, beneficial in the heart diseases, skin diseases, gout and raktapitta.
  • It is a rich source of Vitamin C which makes it helpful in treating bleeding and spongy gums in scurvy.
  • It is useful in vomiting, cough, ailments of the throat and tumours etc.
  • It is said to be bring good and positive effects in enlarged spleen.
  • It benefits in burning sensation.

Therapeutic Uses:

Lemon destroys all kinds of worms. It is sour in taste pacifies tridoshaj pains, anorexia, toxins in the body, low digestive fire, intestinal obstruction and cholera.
निम्बूकं निम्बुकं राजनिम्बूकमपरं स्मृतम् ।
निम्बूकमम्लं वातघ्नं पाचनं दीपनं लघु ।
राजनिम्बूफलं स्वादु गुरु पित्तसमीरजित् ॥१॥

Systemic Use:

Internally, nimbuka is a useful medicine in various diseases. It is a keen stimulant for digestive system. As an appetizer, digestant, mild laxative and cholegogue, hence, used in various digestive ailments like anorexia, dyspepsia, vomiting, constipation, hepatopathies etc. In Ayurveda, the sour taste is said to be beneficial for the heart as it boosts the sadhaka pitta. It also augments the agni, stimulates the mental faculties, strengthens the tissues, promotes salivary secretion and facilitates the whole digestive process. Nimbuka bestows blood purifying activity, hence, beneficial in the heart diseases, skin diseases, gout and raktapitta. In cough due to vata and kapha, it works as mucolytic and relieves the phlegm. It is a rich source of Vitamin C, helpful in bleeding and spongy gums in scurvy. In vitiated conditions of pitta, the fruit fuice is recommended with rock candy. It is said to be benevolent in enlarged spleen. Nimbuka juice is used in Ayurvedic pharmacy, for the purification of sankha (conch), svarnamaksika (chalcopyrite), vamala (cubic sulphide of iron), manik mouktika , pravala etc. Amongst all sour juices, nimbuka is praised to be the best.


It can be used in the form of juice and decoction.


Nimbuka is sour in taste , sweet in the post digestive effect and has semihot potency . It alleviates all the three dosas, predominantly vata and kapha. It possesses light and dry attributes. It improves the sensation of taste, increases an appetite and dry attributes. It improves the sensation of taste, increases an appetite and promotes digestion. It is used in vomiting, ciugh, ailments of the throat and tumours etc (Raja Nighantu)

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