General Use:
The leaf ash is used to treat sore eyes.The stem juice is used to treat sore throats
. The sweet juice in the stem is used to treat snakebite and wounds from poison arrows[]. Mixed with an infusion of wallaba (Eperua sp.) it is used to treat curare poisoning
A decoction of the young leaves is used to treat urinary conditions
Therapeutic Uses:
• The juiciest and sweetest sugarcane is the tropical green sugar cane.
• It strengthens stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes, brain and sex organs.
• The sugarcane can be used as simple energizer and protein supplement in infectious fevers.
• It acts as an instant energizer and supplies body with instant glucose.Sugarcane is rich in iron and carbohydrate.
• Sugarcane juice mixed with lemon and ginger juice helps in easy flow of urine
• Pure sugarcane juice which is devoid of micro organisms is very beneficial in jaundice.
• Chewing sugarcane and sucking its juice help to strengthen the teeth and gums.
• People who are under weight are benefited by this. This helps to gain healthy weight
Systemic Use:
Sugarcane has the properties of normalizing imbalanced rakta or blood and pitta (bile). It rejuvenates liver. Because of this property it is widely used in treating jaundice. It is, however, very essential that the juice, must be clean and devoid of micro organisms.
Increases body strength and energy (Balya):
The sugar cane juice instantly energizes our body and provides strength. Sugar cane is rich in iron and carbohydrates. Hence it boosts energy straight away.
Helps to improve sperm count and sexual health (Vrushya)
Sugarcane is praised by ayurveda acharyas for its properties which support to improve male fertility and male sexual health. It acts as an aphrodisiac and increases libido, increases sperm count and sperm motility . This can be used in oligospermia. It also helps in rectifying erectile dysfunction. It is one of the vajikarana foods.
Crystals are odorless and sweet.
- Considered antidote, antiseptic, bactericidal, cardiotonic, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, cooling, laxative, stimulant.
- Studies have suggested immunostimulatory, prokinetic, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, steroidogenic, antimicrobial, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective, anticancer, diuretic, antiurolithiatic, anticoccidial properties.
- » Classification and names of Guda
- » Synonyms and definitions of Guda
- » Drug Properties of Guda
- » Chemical Constituents of Guda
- » Standardization of Guda
- » Parts used and Dosage of Guda
- » Morphology and Histology of Guda
- » Distribution and Conservation of Guda
- » Cultivation of Guda
- » Guda in the market
- » Medicinal Uses of Guda
- » Researches and clinical trails of Guda
- » Gudain other sytems of medicine
- » Ayurvedic formulations with Guda
- » Images of Guda