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bandaka - Pentapetes phoenicea Linn.

bandaka :

bandaka : Pentapetes phoenicea Linn.

Taxonomical Classification

Kingdom: Plantae - Plants
Family: Malvaceae
Genus: Pentapetes L.
Species: P. phoenicea


Sanskrit: मध्यदिन Madhyadina, बंधूक Bandhuka
English: noon plant Midday Flower, Scarlet Mallow, Copper Cups, Florimpia, Noon Flower, Scarlet Pentapetes, Scarlet phoenician
Hindi: दुपहरिया Dupahariya
Telugu: Makinaccettu
Bengali: কটলতা বন্ধুলী Kat-lata Bandhuli, বন্ধুক Bandhuka
Marathi: तांबरीदुपारी Tambridupari
Gujarathi: સૌભાગ્યસુંદરી Saubhagyasundari
Tamil: நாதப்பூ Nagappu
Malayalam: Uchchamalari


Synonyms in Ayurveda:

Parts used for medicinal purpose

Leaves, Root, ,


Midday Flower is an erect, half-woody plant, 0.5-1 m in height. The branches are long and spreading. The leaves are alternate, linear, 6-10 cm in length, toothed at the margins, usually having the broad, pointed base, and tapering to a pointed tip. Scarlet flowers are borne in the axils of the leaves with 5 large, deep rose, and show petals. The flowers, 2.5-3.5 cm across, open around noon, and close the following dawn. The fruit is a 5-valved, rounded, hairy capsule, about 1 centimeter in diameter. The seeds, which are not winged, occur 8-12 in two series in each cell. 

Geographical distribution:

Pentapetes is native to a wide region of tropical South Asia from Ceylon and India to northern Australia and the Philippines.

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