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Uses of tavakshiri - Curcuma angustifolia Roxb., Maranta arundinac..

tavakshiri :

tavakshiri : Curcuma angustifolia Roxb., Maranta arundinacea Linn

General Use:

This species of plant has nutritional value as a source of starch for Indian foods. The rhizomes of C. angustifolia are typically ground into a flour which can then be mixed together with milk or water to form a nutritious meal. This flour was a common commercial crop in the 1800s.

Most importantly, the West has begun to notice its potential as a source of nutrition and as a non-irritating diet for patients suffering from specific chronic ailments, recovering from fevers, or experiencing irritations of the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, or the excretory system.

 A drink including C. angustifolia as an ingredient is also used as a replacement of breast-milk, or as a nutritional supplement for babies a short while after weaning.

It is found as a primary ingredient in cakes, fruit preserves, biscuits, and puddings.

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