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Researches and clinical trials on ashvakshura - Medicago sativa

ashvakshura - Medicago sativa - Fabaceae

ashvakshura :

ashvakshura : Medicago sativa

Clinical trials:


FRRL geneticists Ivan Mott and Mike Peel participated in an ARS alfalfa research strategic planning event in Minneapolis, MN in January, 2013. Alfalfa researchers from across the United States gathered to coordinate and prioritize ARS research directed toward alfalfas improvement, increased utilization, and environmental benefits. Alfalfa is the 4th most produced crop in the US. Research by Drs. Peel and Mott to develop and characterize salt-tolerant and grazing-tolerant rhizomatous alfalfa was included in the 2013 USDA ARS 

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