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Morphology and Histology of mishamitika - Coptis teeta Wall.

mishamitika :

Coptis teeta


Small stemless herbs.

Rootstock: horizontal, perennial, golden yellow, woody, densely fibrous, very bitter.

Leaves: ternatisect, glabrous,

Petioles: 6-12 in.;

Leaflets: 2-3 in., ovate-lanceolate, pinnatiiid, lobes incised, terminal largest.

Scape: equalling the leaves.

Flowers: 1-3—pedicelled, regular, small, white on slender leafless scapes.

Bracts: leafy.

Sepals: 5-6, ½ in. oblong—lanceolate, acute.

Petals: 5-6, narrow, ligulate, obtuse, ⅔ shorter than the sepals.

Carpels pedicelled, spreading.

Ovules many.

Follicles many-seeded. Seeds with a black crustaceous testa. Mishmi nuts, Bengal.


Its interior is yellow–orange; in the transverse section, the central pith is deeper in color.

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