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अग्नि meaning

अग्नि meaning

अग्नि :

अग्नि ( agni )
Meaning: 1. Fire,the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat 2. One of the five basic elements (Paṅcamahābhūtas) that make up all matter in the universe. 3. All factors responsible for digestion and metabolism / transformation. This is of three classes: Jaṭharāgni, Bhūtāgni and Dhātvagni. 4. Physiologically, the intensity of Agni is influenced by Doṣas and is of four types: Viṣama (irregular, due to the dominance of Vāta), Tīkṣṇa (intense, due to the dominance of Pitta), Manda (depressed due to the dominance of Kapha) and Sama (normal, due to the balanced state of all three Doṣas).

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